25 Oct 17. PhD Expo Edinburgh Imaging

Event summary of Edinburgh Imaging's PhD Expo.

The annual Edinburgh Imaging PhD Networking Event, took the form of a PhD Expo event which was held on 25 October 2017 at the central campus of Paterson’s Land.

We were extremely fortunate to receive the support from Toshiba Medical, GSK, Abberior and Professor Robin Sellar.

We are also very grateful to Prof Adam Waldman, Dr Keith Goatman and Dr Beccy Saleeb for being on the judging panel for the talks and to Dr Alex Morgan from GSK for judging the poster prizes.

Pre Clinical Winner, James Sloan
Pre Clinical Winner, James Sloan

Many congratulations to the presentation and poster winners, who were:

Best Clinical Talk – Dr Mark Rodrigues, Deanery of Clinical Sciences

Clinical Winner, Dr Mark Rodrigues
Clinical Winner, Dr Mark Rodrigues

Best Preclinical Talk – James Sloan, Heriot Watt University

Best Poster – Alisia Sim, EastCHEM School of Chemistry

 Abberior Fluorescence Winner, Frederic Chee
Abberior Fluorescence Winner, Frederic Chee

Abberior Prize - Frederic Chee, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine

And not forgetting Dr Lucy Kershaw for Best Question from the audience.

Dr Dr Mark Rodrigues

Mark’s presentation was on The Edinburgh CT and genetic criteria for lobar intracerebral haemorrhage associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy.

Further information on this presentation: 


James’s presentation covered adaptive neural networks in machine learning to improve image denoising and modality conversion.

Comments from the judging panel

The judges were impressed with the quality of the presentations and posters. The choice for the best clinical presentation was very close indeed, with excellent scientific content all round; Mark’s clear delivery and handling of the questions stood out.

James’ ability to explain a complex area of machine learning in a clear and engaging way was a highlight in the preclinical section.

Indeed, all the judges agreed that the work presented does credit to the PhD students, and reflects the broad scope and superb quality of imaging research in Edinburgh.



‘We were delighted to see such excellent presentations and posters on a wide range of exciting and relevant imaging projects – from clinical studies through to engineering and mathematics of signal processing. '

Professor Adam Waldman
Judging panel
Judges of PhD Expo
Judges of PhD Expo











It was fantastic to have representation from academia and industry, including Heriot Watt, ESRIC, the University of Edinburgh, and TMVSE. The diverse content included machine learning, chemistry, oncology, cardiovascular sciences, retinal, and brain imaging, and involved microscopy, ultrasound, CT, MRI, and PET. All the PhD students are to be congratulated on their excellent work, indicating the strength of imaging research in Edinburgh and a promising future.

Dr Gerry Thompson, 
Head of the organising committee for the event