Edinburgh Imaging is adapting scanning & work strategies to take into account the latest advice about Coronavirus (COVID-19). If you are uncertain whether or not your research study scan and / or Edinburgh Imaging Facility scan will still be carried out, please contact the Edinburgh Imaging facility directly for clarification. The stituation is changing daily.Relevant links at the bottom of the page include up-to-date information regarding University of Edinburgh & NHS approaches to managing the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. Edinburgh Imaging Facility QMRI Array Contact details Research / University PET / MR / CT scans: 0131 242 7776 NHS patients for MR / CT scans: 0131 242 3800 Web: Edinburgh Imaging Facility QMRI Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE Array Contact details Web: Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE Relevant links University of Edinburgh Coronavirus (COVID-19) updatesHealth Protection Scotland updatesAcademic & Clinical Central Office for Research & Development (ACCORD) updates Publication date 17 Mar, 2020