24 May 22. Achenbach Pioneer Award in Cardiovascular CT

Congratulations to Professor David Newby, who has received the SCCT Achenbach Pioneer Award in Cardiovascular CT for 2022.

Professor David Newby, BHF Duke of Edinburgh Chair of Cardiology
Professor David Newby, BHF Duke of Edinburgh Chair of Cardiology

Professor David Newby, BHF Duke of Edinburgh Chair of Cardiology, is the 2022 recipient of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) Achenbach Pioneer Award in Cardiovascular CT.

The SCCT states, “Named in honor of SCCT founding member and first president, Dr. Stephan Achenbach, this award honors those who have made landmark contributions by demonstrating a commitment to clinical excellence, research and education to the field of cardiovascular CT.”

The SCCT is “honoring Dr. Newby's influence as a visionary researcher; his leadership of the groundbreaking SCOT-HEART trial and subsequent follow-up studies has been a landmark in the field, leading to better understanding and prevention of coronary artery disease in general and the role of cardiovascular CT in particular.”

The Scottish COmputed Tomography of the HEART (SCOT-HEART) assessed the added value of computed tomography imaging to measure coronary artery calcium scores and undertake coronary angiography, in over 4000 patients attending rapid access chest pain clinics across Scotland.

In the most recent analysis of the data, researchers found that in patients who presented with stable coronary disease symptoms, the burden of low-attenuation plaque as measured by quantitative analysis was a stronger predictor of future cardiovascular event compared to standard cardiovascular risk scores, coronary artery calcium score & even severity of luminal stenosis. This observation challenged the current clinical paradigm of assessing coronary artery disease & risk of future cardiovascular event.

The SCOT-HEART study has gone on to receive multiple awards, such as:


The success of the SCOT-HEART study enabled launch of SCOT-HEART 2, to study CT coronary angiography use in patients who have no symptoms of coronary disease. This study hopes to identify whether initiating preventative therapies based on the presence of coronary disease on CT is superior to the current practice of using risk scores.


We asked Professor Newby his thoughts on receiving the Achenbach Pioneer Award in Cardiovascular CT.

“I am very honoured that our work on the SCOT-HEART trial has been acknowledged and recognised by this prestigious award from the Society of Cardiovascular CT.

It has been an amazing journey and I would like to acknowledge the tremendous support of a large team who made this happen including the funder (Chief Scientist Office), NHS Lothian R&D, Edinburgh Imaging and Edinburgh Clinical Trials Units as well as key co-investigators including Edwin van Beek, Marc Dweck, Nick Mills and the Trial Steering Committee.

However, a particular mention is needed for Michelle Williams who was instrumental to the success of the trial and has been outstanding throughout.”


Professor Newby will receive the award at the 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, in July.



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Congratulations to Professor David Newby, who has received the SCCT Achenbach Pioneer Award in Cardiovascular CT for 2022.

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