28 Jul 20. PiW virtual meeting

The annual PET is Wonderful (PiW) meeting to highlight the latest developments in PET imaging & to bring together the wider PET community, has been moved online.

Date & time: Tues 27th Oct 2020, 14:00 - 17:40
Venue: Due to spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, the 2020 PiW meeting will be held as a virtual meeting.
Registration: Click here for further information
PET is Wonderful 2020 virtual meeting poster
PET is Wonderful 2020 virtual meeting poster


Read more about the keynote speaker, abstract submission & the preliminary programme, here.


For the Edinburgh Imaging Academy PET-MR principles & applications Cert, please click here.




Social media tags & titles

The PET is Wonderful (PiW) meeting to highlight the latest PET imaging developments, will go online on 27 Oct 2020. @SINAPSECENTRE @EdinUniNeuroImg #PiW #PET #PositronEmissionTomography