Modes of study

Learn online, choosing either supervised or unsupervised modes of study. Alternately, visit us in Edinburgh to participate in one of our on-campus / residential courses. Our online supervised, online unsupervised & on campus / residential courses are all eligible for Continuing Professional Development & Medical Education (CPD / CME).

Online, supervised learning earns you academic credit at the University of Edinburgh, as well as Continuing Professional Development & Medical Education (CPD / CME) recognition.

You can take almost all of our courses more cheaply without enrolling on a degree programme or working towards University credit, via our online, UNsupervised, self-directed learning (USSD) mode of study, which is eligible for Continuing Professional Development & Medical Education (CPD / CME) recognition.

Edinburgh Imaging academic staff provide on-campus courses, events & summer / winter schools. Please contact us directly to see which learning opportunities are running this year.