Symposium. Ethical issues around managing incidental findings during imaging research. Ethics in Research Management Symposium Summary of event The aims of this symposium were to bring together the stakeholders in research imaging management including range of professionals from research imaging centres, professional organisations whose members use imaging in research, ethicists, research funders and regulatory bodies. The meeting discussed and highlighted the magnitude and potential implications of incidental findings. It provided information concerning good practice in managing incidental findings in research imaging of both "normal" volunteers and patients and consequently highlighted issues related to ethics. The meeting enabled current opinions to be summarised on concerns about practical aspects of managing incidental findings. It also helped facilitate the production of a position statement and guideline to encourage best imaging research practice in the UK, within practical limitations, to facilitate future imaging research. Relevant links SINAPSE. Symposium on the ethical issues around managing incidental findings during imaging research. Professor Rustam Al-Shahi Salman Dr Tom Booth Professor Graeme Laurie This article was published on 2024-08-22