Liver disease / cirrhosis

We image a range of liver diseases including cirrhosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, macrophage therapy, liver islet therapy, liver transplant & acute liver insult.

Liver study 'HepaT1ca'
Cross-sectional image through the liver (the green structure), from the 'HepaT1ca' study.

We are testing whether novel MR scanning techniques can help doctors assess possible risks to patients before liver surgery.

The project – called HepaT1ca – involves the University of Edinburgh & Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. They work with University of Oxford spin-out company Perspectum Diagnostics, which has developed the technology called LiverMultiScan™.

The multi-parameter imaging methods can safely & accurately identify poor liver health caused by excessive fat, inflammation, scar tissue or high iron content. This non-invasive technology can provide a detailed picture of liver health to help the multidisciplinary surgical team assess the risks of major liver surgery.

Several patient studies are current under way with both clinical sites actively enrolling patient volunteers. The University of Edinburgh is scanning patients using several of our MR scanners throughout the Edinburgh Imaging facilities.

Lead liver disease / cirrhosis researcher 

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Research staff with a liver disease / cirrhosis focus
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More info to come.