NI4R 2016 Lara - Neurophysiologist

Lara, a Neurophysiologist, was enrolled in the Edinburgh Imaging Academy Neuroimaging for Research MSc, and she discusses how she managed to balance work responsibilities, pregnancy & raising a child, whilst online learning.


How has the Neuroimaging for Research helped with your career for the future?

"I am a Neurophysiologist, & although Neuroimaging is not directly required to perform Neurophysiology, I have found that knowledge of spinal MRI's helps me analyse nerve conduction study results better, such as when clinical symptoms for radiculopathy aren't always clear. Being able to combine information gleaned from my MSc, with my clinical findings, helps me clarify the clinical problem, enabling me to communicate findings better to the physicians, & also to guide them better into making a correct diagnosis & to choose the best treatment options. What I learnt on the Neuroimaging for Research MSc has definitely brought my career to a whole new level!"


Lara A. De Nicolo Savvides, Neurophysiologist, NI4R MSc, graduated 2016, reflecting in 2017



How did you balance online learning with your work and personal life?

"Given my professional commitments I enrolled on the intermittent route so I completed my degree in 5 years.

During this time I had to juggle a Neurophysiology laboratory, a marriage, a pregnancy, giving birth & raising a child, which eventually worked out wonderfully given the flexibility of the intermittent route.

The Neuroimaging staff were so compassionate & understanding of my very hectic schedule; they did not hesitate to shift my assessment dates around in order to accommodate the birth of my daughter & the new routine which I had to adjust to. While raising my daughter, I could balance feeding / play times & studying independently: project deadlines, group work & the overall work load, I felt, were very reasonable."


Lara A. De Nicolo Savvides, Neurophysiologist, NI4R MSc, graduated 2016, reflecting in 2017



How was the support from the University and your tutors?

"The availability of the tutors on a daily basis on the virtual environment enabled me to ask for help at any time; it was convenient for me & the tutor feedback was always prompt.

The Skype meetings held twice or three times each year with my personal tutor enabled me to discuss concerns, my progress & any modifications which would help me manage online learning around my hectic schedule."


Lara A. De Nicolo Savvides, Neurophysiologist, NI4R MSc, graduated 2016, reflecting in 2017



What have you achieved from the Neuroimaging for Research MSc?

"Embarking on the online distance Neuroimaging for Research MSc was one of the best decisions I have ever made with regards to my career development. Not only did I get to interact with a diverse group of other students from around the world, I got taught by brilliant & enthusiastic scientists, about cutting edge imaging research & image analysis.

This MSc degree has given me the opportunity to develop my Neuroimaging research skills, so that I can embark on a Neuroimaging PhD.

I definitely would encourage others to pursue such a Master's degree, not only to develop scientific knowledge, but also to advance a medical or scientific career to superior level."


Lara A. De Nicolo Savvides, Neurophysiologist, NI4R MSc, graduated 2016, reflecting in 2017