IMSc 2018 Aldo - Radiology registrar / resident

Aldo, a Radiology Registrar / Resident, is enrolled on the Edinburgh Imaging Academy Imaging MSc & hopes to use knowledge gained from our programme to underpin a career in research Radiology. He discusses the knowledge he has gained in his second year of study & how this is beneficial.



Transcript - IMSc 2018 Aldo - Radiology registrar / resident

"Well my name is Aldo Vasquez, I am a radiology resident at Mexico City, and I started this programme 2 years ago.

Well now that I have more experience in radiology I think it’s very interesting what we can get in this programme, because well one year ago I was very new in radiology so I only had some theoretical information, now, that I have to take care of patients and I have to interpret many studies, now that I have more scientific information, I think that I can understand things a little bit more, and I have much better ideas for research.

Well first of all, I can understand the other techniques a little bit more than my other peers. I can, for example, when somebody tells me “okay let’s do a scientific project”, I can see if that has a future or not, and if it’s worth doing. And for example, many people just want to do some research but they don’t have the basic knowledge to do it, and when you are in this programme you have all the basic information just to do a proper research project."

- IMSc 2018 Aldo - Radiology registrar / resident

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