Will I end up studying in isolation?

Will I end up studying in isolation?


FAQ: Will I end up studying in isolation?

  • Online distance learning can be isolating.
    • We encourage you to use our online discussion boards to interact with tutors & other students on your course. This creates a supportive online community.
    • This community is focussed around two types of discussion boards:
      • Module discussion boards – present in each module & moderated by a content tutor- allow you to explore the module’s topic in more depth with your classmates; there are as many module discussion boards as there are modules
      • Group activity discussion boards – small group work with 5-10 of your classmates is required of many assessments. The activities are designed to bring together topics covered by several modules for exploration in more depth. The group discussion boards are monitored by the tutor but you will be responsible for the discussion content.
    • While tutors will be present on discussion boards, their role is mainly as facilitators. You are expected to share, collaborate with & support your peers to create an active & engaged learning environment.