Notes & hints to help you with scan reading for the ACCESS study. Image Optimize your viewing environment Ensure the lights in your room are switched off or are very dim Use a SMPTE test image to optimize your computer screen Adjust the screen brightness & contrast so that you can see BOTH the 0% / 5% box AND the 95% / 100% box If you cannot see BOTH the boxes, you should use a different computer screen Change image / text size Increase image / text size using "ctrl+" on your keyboard Decrease image / text size using "ctrl-" on your keyboard The horizontal bar separating images from questionnaire can be moved up & down with your mouse so that you can see more or less of the panels F11 increases overall screen size by hiding navigation bars; toggling F11 again brings them back Navigation "Joblist" is where you will find your list of scans to review We deliver the scans in batches of about 10 at a time When you have finished one batch, the next batch will become available Each scan requires answering up to 20 questions (the number varies depending on your answers) When you have answered the last question (which will always be "question 20"), review your answer selection & scroll to the bottom of the screen to click "finish" Feedback When you have completed scan questionnaires, you can review feedback Feedback allows you to compare your answers to: follow-up imaging where it's available a "Gold Standard" - a single, expert Neuroradiologist who went through the questionnaire blinded to outcome & follow-up the "Gold Standard" may have given answers which are not consistent with the follow-up imaging this is because the "Gold Standard" readings represent real life scan reading rather than a biased retrospective assessment an "expert panel" - five experts in stroke CT review the "expert panel" does not always agree! again, this is because the "expert panel" readings represent real life scan reading, in which there can be disagreement specialty responses the fractions of specialists (e.g. Neuroradiologists vs General Radiologists vs Stroke Physicians) answering a question one way or another this information should allow you to compare your responses with those of similar training, & with those who have different backgrounds Quick Links Register to participate & train with ACCESS here. Take the BASP CT Training Lecture beforehand here. Integrate imaging training with STARS Thrombolysis Masterclass The short url for the ACCESS webpage is: Back to the ACCESS homepage This article was published on 2024-08-22