Career development

Hear from our students discussing why they are choosing to learn online, to order to further their career.

Hear from Georgi, a Drug Safety Specialist from Bulgaria who completed the Edinburgh Imaging Academy, Neuroimaging for Research Diploma programme in 2019. In this video he discusses how this programme has gained him a job as a Project Manager, and why he enjoyed online learning whilst working full-time.

Alison, a clinical radiographer from Malta, speaks about her final year of study at the Edinburgh Imaging Academy on the Neuroimaging for Research MSc programme. She aims to be more involved with research in neurology & psychiatry on completion.

Daniel, a clinical neurosurgeon, completed the Edinburgh Imaging Academy's Neuroimaging for research MSc in 2018. He has successfully used our programme as a stepping stone to pursuing a PhD. He discusses why our programme appealed to him & what he enjoyed from online learning.

Wangia, a general surgeon, with an interest in imaging, completed the Edinburgh Imaging Academy Imaging MSc programme in 2018. He discusses why he would recommend this programme, & what he liked best about learning online.

Aldo, a Radiology Registrar / Resident, is enrolled on the Edinburgh Imaging Academy Imaging MSc & hopes to use knowledge gained from our programme to underpin a career in research Radiology. He discusses what career choices are open to radiology registrars who complete this online Masters in Medical Imaging, and the courses during his first year of study.

Nick, a Medical Registrar / Resident, is enrolled on the Edinburgh Imaging Academy Imaging MSc & hopes that our programme will underpin a career in Radiology. He discusses why he chose to do this course to further his career, during his first year of study.

Bernadette, Director of Medical Imaging with a focus on prostate cancer research, completed the Edinburgh Imaging Academy Imaging Certificate in 2017 & has successfully used our programme as a stepping stone to her objective of pursuing a PhD. She discusses the flexibility this programme allowed her, how this course will further her career and why she chose to study with the University of Edinburgh.

Nichola, a Radiographer in research MR & lecturer, completed the Edinburgh Imaging Academy Neuroimaging for Research MSc in 2017 & has been applying knowledge gained on our programme to her work throughout her studies. She discusses why she chose to study this programme to further her career, and what she enjoyed about online learning.

Victoria, a Radiographer in research MR at a Neurosciences centre, completed the Edinburgh Imaging Academy Neuroimaging for Research MSc in 2017, & has been applying knowledge gained on our programme to her work throughout her studies. Bernadette, Director of Medical Imaging with a focus on prostate cancer research, completed the Edinburgh Imaging Academy Imaging Certificate in 2017 & has successfully used our programme as a stepping stone to her objective of pursuing a PhD. They discuss why they chose to study this course, the benefits of studying online, content quality & relevance to working in research.