NI4R 2018 Daniel – Neurosurgeon

Daniel, a clinical neurosurgeon, completed the Edinburgh Imaging Academy's Neuroimaging for research MSc in 2018. He has successfully used our programme as a stepping stone to pursuing a PhD. He discusses why our programme appealed to him & what he enjoyed from online learning.



Transcript - NI4R 2018 Daniel – Neurosurgeon

"The reason I chose this programme is because I work in clinical neurosurgery, & through that role I developed an interest in neuroimaging, & in particular research applications of neuroimaging, & having looked on the internet, this course seemed to be ideal for giving me a background in neuroimaging but also giving me a background in various research applications of it.

So I definitely would recommend this programme to anyone who has an interest in neuroimaging or an interest in neurosciences research in general.

So firstly, undertaking the programme has actually stimulated me to go on and undertake a PhD in neuroimaging because I’ve found it’s something I’m really interested in & enjoy doing, & as a result, it’s given me an idea as to what I would want to do with a PhD programme.

The second aspect of it is in my clinical work - certain aspects of the course, in particular the sort of radiological interpretation of neuroanatomy, & applications of neuroimaging & various clinical diseases, I’ve found very useful.

I think the part I enjoyed is that you can do the programme in your own time, so you know in evenings or at weekends where I had the spare time I could go for the online lecture material, & I can read the suggested reading in my own time as well and sort of take it in at my own pace."

​​​- NI4R 2018 Daniel – Neurosurgeon