IMSc 2018 Wangia – General surgeon

Wangia, a general surgeon, with an interest in imaging, completed the Edinburgh Imaging Academy Imaging MSc programme in 2018. He discusses why he would recommend this programme, & what he liked best about learning online.



Transcript - IMSc 2018 Wangia – General surgeon 

"I decided to do the Masters of Imaging for two reasons; one was I’ve always had an interest in imaging & I was considering changing from a very clinical surgical background to a radiology based speciality & I thought this programme would one, give me a bit of an advantage in that field & two, just give me more of a feel of what’s actually happening in the field of medical imaging.

I would recommend this programme for several reasons; one, obviously people are looking this up because they have a basic interest in imaging, so from an imaging point of view whether it’s medical imaging, research imaging, human imaging, animal imaging, during the course of the course I met many people from various backgrounds & everybody seems to be getting something from the course.

I feel in many aspects this programme has impacted my day to day job – all medical doctors go through some form imaging at some point which helps in patient management, & there’s many other things that were pointed out in the course that helped me become more systematic while I was still working as a surgical doctor.

The aspect of the MSc in Imaging that I liked the best was the flexibility. I have enjoyed knowing I can always go back to reading into the lectures when I need to, I’ve enjoyed having the course coordinators & lecturers available an email away & they reply less than twenty-four hours after you email them – that has been very convenient, especially having a full time job at the same time."

​​​- IMSc 2018 Wangia – General surgeon 

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