Student demographics

Find out where our applicants were born & where they live.


Our applicants were born in & live all over the world:

Nationalities who apply, by region:
Edinburgh Imaging Academy applicant nationalities by region 2017


Domiciles by region 2017:
Edinburgh Imaging Academy applicant domiciles by region 2017



Infographic - 2017 graduate exit survey

We surveyed our graduating class of the 2016-2017 academic year & have summarized the findings in our infographic.

Edinburgh Imaging Academy Infographic - 2017 graduate exit survey
What was the top tip from our 2017 graduates to future students?
  • Set aside regular study times each & every week.

23 graduating students replied
  • 70% were enrolled on Imaging programmes, with award distributions as follows:

    • 52% exited with a Masters

    • 9% exited with a Certificate

    • 9% exited with a Diploma

  • 30% were enrolled on Neuroimaging programmes, with award distributions as follows:
    • 22% exited with a Masters

    • 4% exited with a Diploma

    • 4% exited with a Certificate

78% think our programmes will greatly help or be useful in career development
22% found our programmes useful, while not essential for career development
Where do our 2017 graduates work?
  • 57% in hospitals
  • 17% in a veterinary care setting
  • 13% in universities
  • 13% in a variety of other settings
How are our 2017 graduates employed?
  • 55% are doctors or vets
  • 32% work in the allied health professions, technical & IT fields (nursing, radiography, programming, image processing)
  • 5% work in academia
  • 13% are employed in a variety of other professions
Where do our 2017 graduates live?
  • 17% UK & Ireland
  • 26% Europe
  • 17% Asia
  • 17% North America
  • 13% Africa
  • 9% Australia & New Zealand
What did our 2017 graduates have to say about their experience on our programmes?
  • The programme helped me in my clinical work.
  • It has familiarized me with research & research methods.
  • I am more confident in my role within my research department.
  • It gave me the opportunity to be involved in research & publish it.
  • I've become more critical when reviewing journals