Can I transfer prior learning / university credits to the University of Edinburgh programmes?

Can I transfer prior learning / university credits to the University of Edinburgh programmes?


FAQ: Can I transfer prior learning / university credits to the University of Edinburgh programmes?

  • YES - perhaps.

    • The University of Edinburgh calls this "Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)"
    • Other courses from the University of Edinburgh may be considered, on application, for RPL
    • Other courses from other universities may be considered, on application, for RPL
    • Professional experience may be recongized for RPL
    • An award already issued cannot be used as an exemption towards an award at the same level
      • e.g. a Certificate cannot be used as part-exemption for another Certificate
    • The maximum RPL we can grant is 1/3 of the amount necessary to complete the programme:
      • 60 credits for MSc
      • 40 credits for Dip
      • 20 credits for Cert
  • Applications for RPL must be supported by evidence of:
    • Close similarity of content to the course(s) from which exemption is sought (e.g. submit a curriculum / course outline / learning objectives list) 
    • SCQF academic level equivalence to the course(s) from which exemption is sought (the onus is on you to show this equivalence)
    • Recent (within five (5) years) completion - enough to ensure your knowledge is active & up to date
    • Comparable standing of the institution where the prior learning was completed, recognized for this purpose by the University Court
  • Read more on the Admissions policies & procedures webpage - the pdf titled 'Recognition of Prior Learning in Admissions policy'
  • Please contact for more information