Oncology (neuro) / brain tumour

Neuroimaging is essential to brain tumour research: it enables non-invasive patient preparation prior to surgery, allowing treatment response monitoring & development of new treatments.


The Edinburgh Neuro-oncology Translational Imaging Research (ENTIRe) group is led by Prof Adam Waldman. The group focuses on translational applications, i.e. from preclinical studies through to clinical / patient focused studies.

Edinburgh Imaging hosts the European Network for Brain Imaging of Tumours, which is administered by Dr Cyril Pernet.


Lead oncology (neuro) / brain tumour researcher 

To discuss new research & collaborative imaging projects with Edinburgh Imaging, please contact:

Edinburgh Imaging

Enquiries: studies / collaborations / facilities

Contact details

Research staff with an oncology (neuro) / brain tumour focus

Current projects - More info to come.
Completed projects - More info to come.
Funding organisations & groups

More info to come.