FAQ: What is Postgraduate Professional Development (PgProfDev or PPD)?
- Postgraduate Professional Development lets you take individual courses for University credit, without enrolling our on degree programmes.
- This is online, supervised learning:
- You take the course when it runs for our degree students
- You interact with our degree students via online discussion boards
- You complete the activities & final assessments
- You engage with our tutors
- You get University credit should you pass the course
- In the future, if you want to earn a degree, you can transfer your course credits to the degree programme.
- Postgraduate Professional Development is aimed at:
- Working professionals who want to advance their knowledge by studying at postgraduate level, but without taking on the time or financial commitment of a full Masters, Diploma or Certificate programme
- Those who cannot start a degree programme in September but who want to get going in January with a few courses before fully enrolling the following September - this is a common way for Australian & New Zealand students to enrol.
- All our degree programme courses can be studied via the Postgraduate Professional Development mode of study.
- You can study up to a maximum of 50 credits via Postgraduate Professional Development; should you wish to study for 60 or more credits, then the University requires you to enrol at least on our Certificate programme (60 credits of study).
- Read more about Postgraduate Professional Development here: