
Publications from the Edinburgh Imaging community.

2022 publications
02 Sep 22. Featured Paper Associations of peak-width skeletonized mean diffusivity and post-stroke cognition
01 Sep 22. Featured Paper Deep attention super-resolution of brain magnetic resonance images acquired under clinical protocols
26 Aug 22. Featured Paper Topological relationships between perivascular spaces and progression of white matter hyperintensities: A pilot study in a sample of the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
17 Aug 22. Featured Paper Clinical diagnosis and magnetic resonance imaging in patients with transient and minor neurological symptoms: a prospective cohort study
16 Aug 22. Featured Paper Epigenetic and integrative cross-omics analyses of cerebral white matter hyperintensities on MRI
12 Aug 22. Featured Paper Integrated methylome and phenome study of the circulating proteome reveals markers pertinent to brain health
05 Aug 22. Featured Paper Assessment of perivascular space filtering methods using a three-dimensional computational model
21 Jul 22. Featured Paper The Boston criteria version 2.0 for cerebral amyloid angiopathy: a multicentre, retrospective, MRI–neuropathology diagnostic accuracy study
18 Jul 22. Featured Paper The Open-Access European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia (EPAD) MRI dataset and processing workflow
14 Jul 22. Featured Paper 18F-Sodium fluoride positron emission tomography and computed tomography in acute aortic syndrome
12 Jul 22. Featured Paper Microcalcification and thoracic aortopathy: a window into disease severity
07 Jul 22. Featured Paper Plaque burden and 1-year outcomes in acute chest pain: Results from the multicenter RAPID-CTCA Trial
05 Jul 22. Featured Paper A link between frontal white matter integrity and dizziness in cerebral small vessel disease
27 Jun 22. Featured Paper Systematic review of cerebral phenotypes associated with monogenic cerebral small‐vessel disease
13 Jun 22. Featured Paper A daily temperature rhythm in the human brain predicts survival after brain injury
08 Jun 22. Featured Paper Quantifying sodium [18F]fluoride uptake in abdominal aortic aneurysms
07 Jun 22. Featured Paper Loss of the heterogeneous expression of flippase ATP11B leads to cerebral small vessel disease in a normotensive rat model
03 Jun 22. Featured Paper Prevalence and significance of the vessel-cluster sign on susceptibility-weighted imaging in patients with severe small vessel disease
27 May 22. Featured Paper Network impact score is an independent predictor of post-stroke cognitive impairment: A multicenter cohort study in 2341 patients with acute ischemic stroke
26 May 22. Featured Paper Bypass grafting and native coronary artery disease activity
20 May 22. Featured Paper Validation of a deep learning computer aided system for CT based lung nodule detection, classification, and growth rate estimation in a routine clinical population
16 May 22. Featured Paper Contribution of white matter hyperintensities to ventricular enlargement in older adults
07 May 22. Featured Paper Lung tissue shows divergent gene expression between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
04 May 22. Featured Paper Accuracy of automated computer-aided diagnosis for stroke imaging: a critical evaluation of current evidence
22 Apr 22. Featured Article Not just blood: brain fluid systems and their relevance to cerebrovascular diseases
19 Apr 22. Featured Review Takotsubo syndrome: pathophysiology, emerging concepts, and clinical implications
15 Apr 22. Featured Paper Pericoronary adipose tissue attenuation, low-attenuation plaque burden, and 5-year risk of myocardial infarction
13 Apr 22. Featured Paper Genetic variants associated with longitudinal changes in brain structure across the lifespan

08 Apr 22. Featured Paper

Deep learning-enabled coronary CT angiography for plaque and stenosis quantification and cardiac risk prediction: an international multicentre study
07 Apr 22. Featured Paper Quantitative magnetisation transfer imaging in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
04 Apr 22. Featured Paper General factors of white matter microstructure from DTI and NODDI in the developing brain
30 Mar 22. Featured Paper Coronary artery and cardiac disease in patients with type 2 myocardial infarction: a prospective cohort study
18 Mar 22. Featured Paper Mediterranean-type diet and brain structural change from 73 to 79 years in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936

09 Mar 22. Featured Paper

DNA methylation in relation to gestational age and brain dysmaturation in preterm infants
18 Feb 22. Featured Paper Thoracic aortic 18F-sodium fluoride activity and ischemic stroke in patients with established cardiovascular disease
09 Feb 22. Featured Paper Blood–brain barrier link to human cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease
08 Feb 22. Featured Paper Measuring axial length of the eye from magnetic resonance brain imaging
03 Feb 22. Featured Paper Aortic valve imaging using 18F-sodium fluoride: impact of triple motion correction
01 Feb 22. Featured Paper Development of preclinical ultrasound imaging techniques to identify and image sentinel lymph nodes in a cancerous animal model
18 Jan 22. Featured Paper Association of lipoprotein(a) with atherosclerotic plaque progression

07 Jan 22. Featured Paper

Machine learning with 18F-sodium fluoride PET and quantitative plaque analysis on CT angiography for the future risk of myocardial infarction
2021 publications
22 Nov 21. Featured Paper Tracer kinetic assessment of blood–brain barrier leakage & blood volume in cerebral small vessel disease: Associations with disease burden & vascular risk factors
17 Nov 21. Featured Paper Prevalence of dementia in ischaemic or mixed stroke populations: systematic review & meta-analysis
10 Nov 21. Featured Paper MRI-derived g-ratio & lesion severity in newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis
05 Nov 21. Featured Paper Early lowering of blood pressure after acute intracerebral haemorrhage: a systematic review & meta-analysis of individual patient data
01 Nov 21. Featured Paper Rim lesions are demonstrated in early relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis using 3 T-based susceptibility-weighted imaging in a multi-institutional setting.
21 Oct 21. Featured Paper MRI & CT coronary angiography in survivors of COVID-19
06 Oct 21. Featured Paper Predicting post-stroke cognitive impairment using acute CT neuroimaging: A systematic review & meta-analysis

02 Oct 21. Featured Paper

Early life predictors of late life cerebral small vessel disease in four prospective cohort studies
01 Oct 21. Featured Paper Probabilistic deep learning with adversarial training & volume interval estimation - better ways to perform & evaluate predictive models for white matter hyperintensities evolution.
28 Sep 21. Featured Paper Identification of plasma proteins relating to brain neurodegeneration & vascular pathology in cognitively normal individuals
14 Sep 21. Featured Paper Fixel-based analysis effectively identifies white matter tract degeneration in huntington’s disease

09 Sep 21. Featured Paper

The prevalence of paramagnetic rim lesions in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review & meta-analysis
01 Sep 21. Featured Paper Native aortic valve disease progression & bioprosthetic valve degeneration in patients with transcatheter aortic valve implantation
19 Aug 21. Featured Paper Positron emission tomography techniques to measure active inflammation, fibrosis & angiogenesis: potential for non-invasive imaging of hypertensive heart failure
17 Aug 21. Featured Paper Pericoronary & periaortic adipose tissue density are associated with inflammatory disease activity in Takayasu arteritis & atherosclerosis

12 Aug 21. Featured Paper

Integrated cardiopulmonary MRI assessment of pulmonary hypertension
11 Aug 21. Featured Paper Impact of COVID-19 on the imaging diagnosis of cardiac disease in Europe

04 Aug 21. Featured Paper

Roadmap consensus on carotid artery plaque imaging & impact on therapy strategies & guidelines: an international, multispecialty, expert review & position statement

21 Jul 21. Featured Paper

Reproducibility of retinal vascular phenotypes obtained with optical coherence tomography angiography: importance of vessel segmentation

20 Jul 21. Featured Paper

Selective motion artefact reduction via radiomics & k-space reconstruction for improving perivascular space quantification in brain magnetic resonance imaging.

16 Jul 21. Featured Paper

Improved identification of abdominal aortic aneurysm using the Kernelized Expectation Maximization algorithm.

12 Jul 21. Featured Paper

First-phase ejection fraction by cardiovascular magnetic resonance predicts outcomes in aortic stenosis.

09 Jul 21. Featured Paper

Cerebral small vessel disease burden & longitudinal cognitive decline from age 73 to 82: the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
30 Jun 21. Featured Paper Imaging NeuroVascular, Endothelial & STructural Integrity in prepAration to TrEat Small Vessel Diseases. The INVESTIGATE-SVDs study Protocol. Part of the SVDs@Target Project.

24 Jun 21. Featured Paper

Relationship between inferior frontal sulcal hyperintensities on brain MRI, ageing & cerebral small vessel disease.

11 Jun 21. Featured Paper

Diffusion-weighted imaging lesions & risk of recurrent stroke after intracerebral haemorrhage.

09 Jun 21. Featured Paper

Assessment of stunned & viable myocardium using manganese-enhanced MRI.

03 Jun 21. Featured Paper

A comparison of CVR magnitude & delay assessed at 1.5 & 3T in patients with cerebral small vessel disease.

01 Jun 21. Featured Paper

Correlations in post-mortem imaging-histopathology studies of sporadic human cerebral small vessel disease: a systematic review

26 May 21. Featured Paper

Sources of systematic error in DCE-MRI estimation of low-level blood-brain barrier leakage.

20 May 21. Featured Paper

Comparison of structural MRI brain measures between 1.5 & 3 T: Data from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936

13 May 21. Featured Paper

ESO Guideline on covert cerebral small vessel disease.

03 May 21. Featured Paper

Effect of denosumab or alendronic acid on the progression of aortic stenosis: a double-blind randomized controlled trial.

01 May 21. Featured Paper

Zooming in on cerebral small vessel function in small vessel diseases with 7T MRI: Rationale & design of the “ZOOM@SVDs” study.

05 Apr 21. Featured Paper

Application of the ATN classification scheme in a population without dementia: Findings from the EPAD cohort.

02 Apr 21. Featured Paper

Quantification of macrophage-driven inflammation during myocardial infarction with 18F-LW223, a novel TSPO radiotracer with binding independent of the rs6971 human polymorphism.

18 Mar 21. Featured Paper

Kinetic modeling & parameter estimation of TSPO PET imaging in the human brain.

12 Mar 21. Featured Paper

Lacunar stroke lesion extent & location & white matter hyperintensities evolution 1 year post-lacunar stroke.

11 Mar 21. Featured Paper

The application of optical coherence tomography angiography in Alzheimer's disease: A systematic review.

08 Mar 21. Featured Paper

Post-stroke cognition at 1 & 3 years is influenced by the location of white matter hyperintensities in patients with lacunar stroke.

01 Mar 21. Featured Paper

Cerebrovascular reactivity measurement using magnetic resonance imaging: a systematic review.

18 Feb 21. Featured Paper

Contrast-enhanced computed tomography assessment of aortic stenosis.

16 Feb 21. Featured Paper

Sonographic bridging callus at six weeks following displaced midshaft clavicle fracture can accurately predict healing.
11 Feb 21. Featured Paper Neuropsychiatric symptoms associated with cerebral small vessel disease: a systematic review & meta-analysis.

10 Feb 21. Featured Paper

Low- versus standard-dose alteplase in acute lacunar ischemic stroke: The ENCHANTED Trial

04 Feb 21. Featured Paper

Multi-national survey of current practice from imaging to treatment of atherosclerotic carotid stenosis.

03 Feb 21. Featured Paper

Automatic segmentation of white matter hyperintensities from brain magnetic resonance images in the era of deep learning & big data – A systematic review.

01 Feb 21. Featured Paper

A four-dimensional computational model of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging measurement of subtle blood-brain barrier leakage.

22 Jan 21. Featured Paper

Quantifying microcalcification activity in the thoracic aorta.

18 Jan 21. Featured Paper

International impact of COVID-19 on the diagnosis of heart disease.

08 Jan 21. Featured Paper

Dietary patterns, cognitive function, & structural neuroimaging measures of brain aging.

05 Jan 21. Featured Paper

Three major dimensions of human brain cortical ageing in relation to cognitive decline across the eighth decade of life.
2020 publications

29 Dec 20. Featured Paper

Reproducibility of quantitative plaque measurement in advanced coronary artery disease.

22 Dec 20. Featured Paper

Clinical management of cerebral small vessel disease: a call for a holistic approach

15 Dec 20. Featured Paper

Brain network reorganisation & spatial lesion distribution in systemic lupus erythematosus.

14 Dec 20. Featured Paper

Coronary 18F-fluoride uptake & progression of coronary artery calcification.

11 Dec 20. Featured Paper

Automated segmentation of optical coherence tomography angiography images: benchmark data & clinically relevant metrics.

07 Dec 20. Featured Paper

Hyperdense artery sign, symptomatic infarct swelling & effect of alteplase in acute ischaemic stroke.

03 Dec 20. Featured Paper

Structural brain correlates of serum & epigenetic markers of inflammation in major depressive disorder.

01 Dec 20. Featured Paper

Intensive versus guideline‐recommended blood pressure reduction in acute lacunar stroke with intravenous thrombolysis therapy: The ENCHANTED trial.

26 Nov 20. Featured Paper

Association of baseline hematoma & edema volumes with one-year outcome & long-term survival after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: A community-based inception cohort study.

20 Nov 20. Featured Paper

Ex vivo 18F-fluoride uptake & hydroxyapatite deposition in human coronary atherosclerosis.

17 Nov 20. Featured Paper

Pharmacokinetic modelling for the simultaneous assessment of perfusion & 18F-flutemetamol uptake in cerebral amyloid angiopathy using a reduced PET-MR acquisition time: Proof of concept

13 Nov 20. Featured Paper

Feasibility & diagnostic accuracy of using brain attenuation changes on CT to estimate time of ischemic stroke onset.

04 Nov 20. Featured Paper

Association between computed tomographic biomarkers of cerebral small vessel diseases & long‐term outcome after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.

28 Oct 20. Featured Paper

DiCyc: GAN-based deformation invariant cross-domain information fusion for medical image synthesis.

27 Oct 20. Featured Paper

4D flow MRI for non-invasive measurement of blood flow in the brain: A systematic review

21 Oct 20. Featured Paper

Computed tomography aortic valve calcium scoring for the assessment of aortic stenosis progression.

19 Oct 20. Featured Paper

Brain imaging abnormalities & outcome after acute ischaemic stroke: the ENCHANTED trial

12 Oct 20. Featured Paper

Rates, risks & routes to reduce vascular dementia (R4vad), a UK-wide multicentre prospective observational cohort study of cognition after stroke: Protocol

06 Oct 20. Featured Paper

Issues & recommendations from the OHBM COBIDAS MEEG committee for reproducible EEG & MEG research

01 Oct 20. Featured Paper

18F-fluoride PET/MR in cardiac amyloid: a comparison study with aortic stenosis & age- & sex-matched controls
23 Sep 20. Featured Paper Quantitative measurements of enlarged perivascular spaces in the brain are associated with retinal microvascular parameters in older community-dwelling subjects
22 Sep 20. Featured Paper Association of common genetic variants with brain microbleeds: A Genome-wide Association Study
10 Sep 20. Featured Paper The application of optical coherence tomography angiography in cerebral small vessel disease, ischemic stroke, & dementia: a systematic review
20 Aug 20. Featured editorial Imaging patients with stable chest pain special feature: introductory editorial
20 Aug 20. Featured Paper Progression & regression of left ventricular hypertrophy & myocardial fibrosis in a mouse model of hypertension & concomitant cardiomyopathy
11 Aug 20. Featured Paper Cilostazol for secondary prevention of stroke & cognitive decline: systematic review & meta-analysis
03 Aug 20. Featured Paper Eye‐tracking for longitudinal assessment of social cognition in children born preterm
31 Jul 20. Featured Paper The vascular nature of COVID-19
24 Jul 20. Featured Paper Retinal biomarkers discovery for cerebral small vessel disease in an older population
20 Jul 20. Featured Paper Automatic spatial estimation of white matter hyperintensities evolution in brain MRI using disease evolution predictor deep neural networks
22 Jun 20. Featured Paper Coronary 18F-sodium fluoride uptake predicts outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease
18 Jun 20. Featured Paper Bone marrow adipose tissue is a unique adipose subtype with distinct roles in glucose homeostasis
17 Jun 20. Featured Paper Thrombolysis outcomes in acute ischemic stroke by fluid-attenuated inversion recovery hyperintense arteries
08 Jun 20. Featured Paper Examining the relationship between semiquantitative methods analysing concentration-time & enhancement-time curves from dynamic-contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging & cerebrovascular dysfunction in small vessel disease
05 Jun 20. Featured Paper Rationale & design of a longitudinal study of cerebral small vessel diseases, clinical & imaging outcomes in patients presenting with mild ischaemic stroke: Mild Stroke Study 3
03 Jun 20. Featured Paper Exercise electrocardiography & computed tomography coronary angiography for patients with suspected stable angina pectoris. A post hoc analysis of the randomized SCOT-HEART trial
05 May 20. Featured Paper Intracranial hemodynamic relationships in patients with cerebral small vessel disease
23 Apr 20. Featured Paper Diagnosis, prevention, & treatment of thromboembolic complications in COVID-19: report of the National Institute for Public Health of the Netherlands
21 Apr 20. Featured Paper Protocol: The Lacunar Intervention Trial 2 (LACI-2). A trial of two repurposed licenced drugs to prevent progression of cerebral small vessel disease
14 Apr 20. Featured Paper Improving clinical detection of acute lacunar stroke: analysis from the IST-3
08 Apr 20. Featured Paper Relationship between venules & perivascular spaces in sporadic small vessel diseases
16 Mar 20. Featured Paper Low-attenuation noncalcified plaque on coronary computed tomography angiography predicts myocardial infarction: results from the multicenter SCOT-HEART Trial (Scottish computed tomography of the heart)
06 Mar 20. Featured Paper DNA methylation & brain structure & function across the life course: a systematic review
18 Feb 20. Featured editorial Non-obstructive coronary artery disease can no longer be ignored
06 Feb 20. Featured Paper Manganese-enhanced T1 mapping to quantify myocardial viability: validation with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography
23 Jan 20. Featured Paper Neonatal morphometric similarity mapping for predicting brain age & characterizing neuroanatomic variation associated with preterm birth
10 Jan 20. Featured Paper Association between hypertension & retinal vascular features in ultra-widefield fundus imaging
06 Jan 20. Featured Paper Computational quantification of brain perivascular space morphologies: Associations with vascular risk factors & white matter hyperintensities. A study in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936

03 Jan 20. Featured Paper

Small vessel disease is associated with altered cerebrovascular pulsatility but not resting cerebral blood flow.
2019 publications
19 Dec 19. Featured Paper Vulnerable plaque imaging using 18F-sodium fluoride positron emission tomography
18 Dec 19. Featured Paper Non-invasive imaging of high-risk coronary plaque: the role of computed tomography & positron emission tomography
19 Nov 19. Featured Paper Predictors of lesion cavitation after recent small subcortical stroke
02 Nov 19. Featured Paper Aortic valve stenosis—multimodality assessment with PET/CT & PET/MRI
01 Nov 19. Featured Paper Standardization of preclinical PET/CT imaging to improve quantitative accuracy, precision & reproducibility: a multi-center study
23 Oct 19. Featured Paper Genetic architecture of subcortical brain structures in 38,851 individuals
15 Oct 19. Featured Paper 3D angle-independent Doppler & speckle tracking for the myocardium & blood flow
14 Oct 19. Featured Paper Epigenetic signatures of smoking associate with cognitive function, brain structure, & mental & physical health outcomes in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
09 Oct 19. Featured Paper Standardization of preclinical PET/CT imaging to improve quantitative accuracy, precision & reproducibility: a multi-center study
29 Sep 19. Featured Paper Special topic section: linkages among cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, & cognitive disorders: Preventing dementia by preventing stroke: The Berlin Manifesto
12 Aug 19. Featured Paper Method for measuring disease activity in the coronary arteries
05 Aug 19. Featured Paper Disentangled representation learning in cardiac image analysis
30 Jul 19. Featured Paper Associations between vascular risk factors & brain MRI indices in UK Biobank
29 Jul 19. Featured Paper Manganese-enhanced MRI of the myocardium
24 Jul 19. Featured Paper Disentangled representation learning in cardiac image analysis
22 Jul 19. Featured Paper Lowering blood pressure after acute intracerebral haemorrhage: protocol for a systematic review & meta-analysis using individual patient data from randomised controlled trials participating in the Blood Pressure in Acute Stroke Collaboration (BASC)
04 Jul 19. Featured Paper Effects of isosorbide mononitrate &/or cilostazol on hematological markers, platelet function, & hemodynamics in patients with lacunar ischaemic stroke: safety data from the Lacunar Intervention-1 (LACI-1) trial
06 Jun 19. Featured Paper Injection-to-scan delay correction improves scan-rescan reproducibility sodium fluoride (18F-NaF) coronary plaque imaging
24 May 19. Featured Paper Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage & cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial
23 May 19. Featured Paper Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (RESTART): a randomised, open-label trial
20 May 19. Featured Paper Small vessel disease: mechanisms & clinical implications
15 May 19. Featured Paper Breast arterial calcification on mammography & risk of coronary artery disease: a SCOT-HEART sub-study
01 May 19. Featured Paper Are morphologic features of recent small subcortical infarcts related to specific etiologic aspects?
30 Apr 19. Featured Paper Quantifying blood-brain barrier leakage in small vessel disease: Review & consensus recommendations
26 Apr 19. Featured Paper Therapeutic hypothermia for acute ischaemic stroke. Results of a European multicentre, randomised, phase III clinical trial
17 Apr 19. Featured Paper Analysis of PK11195 concentrations in rodent whole blood & tissue samples by rapid & reproducible chromatographic method to support target-occupancy PET studies
16 Apr 19. Featured Paper The Meta VCI Map consortium for meta-analyses on strategic lesion locations for vascular cognitive impairment using lesion-symptom mapping: Design & multicenter pilot study
01 Apr 19. Featured Paper Harmonizing brain magnetic resonance imaging methods for vascular contributions to neurodegeneration
25 Mar 19. Featured Paper Clinical diagnosis of TIA or minor stroke &  prognosis in patients with neurological symptoms: A rapid access clinic cohort
20 Mar 19. Featured Paper Detection & prediction of bioprosthetic aortic valve degeneration
13 Mar 19. Featured Paper A multimodal approach to cardiovascular risk stratification in patients with type 2 diabetes incorporating retinal, genomic & clinical features
12 Mar 19. Featured Paper Associations between vascular risk factors & brain MRI indices in UK Biobank
13 Feb 19. Featured Paper Imaging & impact of myocardial fibrosis in aortic stenosis
11 Feb 19. Featured Paper Disease activity in mitral annular calcification: A multimodality study
22 Jan 19. Featured Paper Coronary artery plaque characteristics associated with adverse outcomes in the SCOT-HEART study
09 Jan 19. Featured Paper Longitudinal multi-centre brain imaging studies: guidelines & practical tips for accurate & reproducible imaging endpoints & data sharing
07 Jan 19. Featured Paper Functional, cognitive & physical outcomes 3 years after minor lacunar or cortical ischaemic stroke
2018 publications
06 Nov 18. Featured Paper Action plan for stroke in Europe 2018–2030
05 Nov 18. Featured Paper Manganese-enhanced T1 mapping in the myocardium of normal & infarcted hearts
30 Oct 18. Featured Paper Effect of IV alteplase on the ischemic brain lesion at 24–48 hours after ischemic stroke
09 Oct 18. Featured Paper The LKB1–AMPK-α1 signaling pathway triggers hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction downstream of mitochondria
18 Sep 18. Featured Paper Study protocol: HepaT1ca – an observational clinical cohort study to quantify liver health in surgical candidates for liver malignancies
12 Sep 18. Featured Paper A new map of more than a billion synapses in the brain helps to shed light on how memories are formed & recalled
07 Sep 18. Featured Paper Polygenic risk score for schizophrenia & structural brain connectivity in older age: A longitudinal connectome & tractography study
01 Sep 18. Featured Paper Understanding the role of the perivascular space in cerebral small vessel disease
29 Aug 18. Featured Paper Evaluation of intravascular ultrasound catheter-based transducers using the resolution integral
28 Aug 18. Featured Paper Coronary CT angiography & 5-year risk of myocardial infarction
21 Aug 18. Featured Paper Cardiac CT in prosthetic aortic valve complications
15 Aug 18. Featured Paper Machine learning of neuroimaging for assisted diagnosis of cognitive impairment & dementia: A systematic review
13 Aug 18. Featured Paper Results from the largest post mortem MRI brain analysis of the fatal disease CJD has been published
06 Jul 18. Featured Paper Reversal of endothelial dysfunction reduces white matter vulnerability in cerebral small vessel disease in rats
21 Jun 18. Featured Paper Small vessel disease; a big problem, but fixable
24 May 18. Featured Paper 18f-fluoride positron emission tomography: computed tomography angiography predicts bioprosthetic valve degeneration
17 May 18. Featured Paper Artificial intelligence improves stroke & dementia diagnosis in brain scans
10 May 18. Featured Paper Impact of detecting potentially serious incidental findings during multi-modal imaging
03 May 18. Featured Paper Small vessels, dementia & chronic disease
06 Apr 18. Featured Paper Peripheral retinal imaging biomarkers for alzheimer's disease: a pilot study
04 Apr 18. Featured Paper Computed tomography aortic valve calcium scoring in patients with aortic stenosis
03 Mar 18. Featured Paper Aortic wall inflammation predicts abdominal aortic aneurysm expansion, rupture, & need for surgical repair
06 Feb 18. Featured Paper 18F–sodium fluoride uptake in abdominal aortic aneurysms: the SoFIA3 study