Freely available, downloadable software, mostly developed locally by Edinburgh Imaging. Anonymization of DICOM images: DICOM Confidential software tool An open source JAVA DICOM de-identification toolkitAuthors: Dr Jano van Hemert, Dr Dominic Job, & David Rodriguez Brain imaging of normal subjects (BRAINS) software toolAge-specific MR atlases from young adults to the very elderly (v1.0)Authors: Dr DA Dickie, Dr D Job, Dr M Valdés-Hernández, Prof JM Wardlaw Digital human brain atlases software toolCollection in Edinburgh DatashareAuthors: Michael R. Jackson, Dr Maria Valdés-Hernández Dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance (DCE-MR) software toolPatlak modelling of subtle BBB leakageAuthors - Dr Michael Thrippleton Electro-encephalography (EEG) statistical analysis software tool LIMO EEG toolbox: for statistical analysis of EEG data across the whole dataspace (EEGLAB compatible)Authors: Nicolas Chauveau, Dr Cyril Pernet, Guillaume Rousselet Functional MR (fMRI): adaptive thresholding software toolsMATLAB scriptsAuthors: Dr Cyril Pernet, Chris Filo Gorgolewski Mapping T1 software toolInversion-recovery spin-echo techniqueAuthors - Dr Michael Thrippleton Mapping T1 (volumetric) software toolDESPOT1-HIFI or variable flip angleAuthors - Dr Michael Thrippleton Mapping T2/T2* software toolAuthors - Dr Michael Thrippleton Reference segmentations software toolCollection Derived data from ADNIAuthors: Leonora Fatimah Agan, Dr Maria Valdés-Hernández, Dr Cyril Pernet, Stuart Reid Robust correlation software tools The Robust Correlation Toolbox is a free collection of MATLAB functions allowing:Visualization of data in univariate & bivariate spaceChecking assumptions of normality & homoscedasticityComputation of Pearson's & Spearman's coefficients, percentage bend & skipped correlations with bootstrapped confidence intervalsAuthor: Dr Cyril Pernet Segmentation of brain tissues & lesions software toolA multispectral method for segmentation of brain tissues & lesions, developed for the BRIC1936 studyAuthors: Dr Maria Valdés-Hernández, Michael Jackson & Dr Dominic Job Segmentation of microbleeds & mineral deposits software tool Download the Edinburgh Imaging microbleed & mineralization segmentation tool which uses Analyze 11.0 (482.92 KB PDF)Authors: Dr Maria Valdés-Hernández Segmentation of mineral deposits in MR brain volumes software tool Author: Dr Andreas Glatz Tissue irregularity map software tool Authors: Dr Maria Valdés-Hernández, Taku Komura & Febrian M. Rachmadi Vascular assessment & measurement platform for images of the retina (VAMPIRE) – analysis softwareSemi-automatic software to measure fundus images (fundus camera, SLO & Optos ultra-widefield SLO) are also available.For further info, please contact: Dr Tom MacGillivray Senior Research Fellow & Image Analysis Core Laboratory Manager Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences Clinical Research Imaging Centre Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility Contact details Work: +44 (0)131 242 7756 Email: Web: Profile on the University of Edinburgh Web: Profile on Edinburgh Research Explorer Web: Vampire Retinal Software Web: Clinical Research Imaging Centre Image Analysis Vascular assessment & measurement platform for images of the retina (VAMPIRE) - annotation tools A set of annotation tools for manual quantification of features in fundus camera imagesAuthor: the VAMPIRE group Other tools (externally developed)BIANCA (Brain Intensity AbNormality Classification Algorithm) - for segmenting white matter hyperintensitiesFMRIB Software Library (FSL) - a comprehensive library of analysis tools for FMRI, MRI & DTI brain imaging dataFreeSurfer Software Suite (Harvard)I Do Imaging – providing free medical imaging applications & resources; conversion programs, image analysis & volume renderingMATLAB - Guides, information & resources from UoE School of EngineeringMNI Brain Atlases (McConnell Brain Imaging Centre)NITRC - Neuroimaging ToolsPSMD - An advanced neuromaging marker for cerebral small vessel diseaseStatistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) UCL - this software package has been designed for the analysis of brain imaging data sequences This article was published on 2024-08-22