We are currently involved with multiple clinical trials & research projects: HTML Current clinical trials Title Description ATTEST 2 Alteplase-Tenecteplase Trial Evaluation for Stroke Thrombolysis Randomised-controlled trial comparing different types of thrombolytics for use in ischaemic stroke INVESTIGATE-SVDs Imaging NeuroVascular, Endothelial & STructural Integrity in prepAration to TrEat Small Vessel Diseases A MRI study at 3T to assess blood brain barrier function, microvascular function, & perivascular flow. LACI-2 LACunar Intervention Trial-2 Assessment of safety & efficacy of cilostazol & isosorbide mononitrate to prevent recurrent lacunar stroke & progression of cerebral small vessel disease. PRE18FFIR Prediction of Recurrent Events with 18F-Fluoride to Identify Ruptured & High-risk Coronary Artery Plaques in Patients with Myocardial Infarction. Observational study assessing whether 18F-fluoride PET can improve risk stratification of patients presenting with myocardial infarction R4VaD Rates, Risks & Routes to Reduce Vascular Dementia Prospective clinical study evaluating the development of dementia among patients with stroke over at least 2 years. RESTART REstart or STop Antithrombotics Randomised Trial Randomised controlled trial for adults surviving spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH)who had taken an antithrombotic drug (i.e. anticoagulant or antiplatelet medication) for the prevention of vaso-occlusive disease before the ICH. SoSTART Start or Stop Anticoagulants Randomised Trial. Randomised-controlled trial for adults with atrial fibrillation after a brain haemorrhage TREAT-SVDs EffecTs of Amlodipine & other Blood PREssure Lowering Agents on Microvascular FuncTion in Small Vessel Diseases An interventional study to determine the effects of different blood pressure lowering agents on microvascular function in patients with distinct SVDs. This article was published on 2024-08-22
HTML Current clinical trials Title Description ATTEST 2 Alteplase-Tenecteplase Trial Evaluation for Stroke Thrombolysis Randomised-controlled trial comparing different types of thrombolytics for use in ischaemic stroke INVESTIGATE-SVDs Imaging NeuroVascular, Endothelial & STructural Integrity in prepAration to TrEat Small Vessel Diseases A MRI study at 3T to assess blood brain barrier function, microvascular function, & perivascular flow. LACI-2 LACunar Intervention Trial-2 Assessment of safety & efficacy of cilostazol & isosorbide mononitrate to prevent recurrent lacunar stroke & progression of cerebral small vessel disease. PRE18FFIR Prediction of Recurrent Events with 18F-Fluoride to Identify Ruptured & High-risk Coronary Artery Plaques in Patients with Myocardial Infarction. Observational study assessing whether 18F-fluoride PET can improve risk stratification of patients presenting with myocardial infarction R4VaD Rates, Risks & Routes to Reduce Vascular Dementia Prospective clinical study evaluating the development of dementia among patients with stroke over at least 2 years. RESTART REstart or STop Antithrombotics Randomised Trial Randomised controlled trial for adults surviving spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH)who had taken an antithrombotic drug (i.e. anticoagulant or antiplatelet medication) for the prevention of vaso-occlusive disease before the ICH. SoSTART Start or Stop Anticoagulants Randomised Trial. Randomised-controlled trial for adults with atrial fibrillation after a brain haemorrhage TREAT-SVDs EffecTs of Amlodipine & other Blood PREssure Lowering Agents on Microvascular FuncTion in Small Vessel Diseases An interventional study to determine the effects of different blood pressure lowering agents on microvascular function in patients with distinct SVDs.