The following newsletters were published in 2017: Nov 17. Newsletter HTML Sign up to receive our newsletters If you have an interest in imaging science, medical imaging or the Edinburgh Imaging network - then please feel free to request that your name and email address, are added to the Edinburgh Imaging mlist, so that you will receive our newsletter.You can do this by emailing us: Edinburgh Imaging Contact details Work: 0131 465 9521 Email: HTML Privacy Statement to 2019The information you provide us will be used by the University of Edinburgh to communicate with you about news, events & opportunities relevant to Edinburgh Imaging.Our communications will be in the form of e-newsletters sent four times a year, plus occasional additional email updates.We have you registered for our newsletter, because you work within a business that has a legitimate interest in medical imaging activities in Edinburgh.We will hold your personal data until you choose to unsubscribe. You may unsubscribe at any time by contacting us to request this, or by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ link on any communication you receive.This privacy statement is continued on the University website at: Continued privacy statementIf you have any questions, please contact us: Edinburgh Imaging Enquiries: studies / collaborations / facilities Contact details Email: Relevant links 2017 News 2017 Events This article was published on 2024-08-22
HTML Sign up to receive our newsletters If you have an interest in imaging science, medical imaging or the Edinburgh Imaging network - then please feel free to request that your name and email address, are added to the Edinburgh Imaging mlist, so that you will receive our newsletter.You can do this by emailing us: Edinburgh Imaging Contact details Work: 0131 465 9521 Email:
HTML Privacy Statement to 2019The information you provide us will be used by the University of Edinburgh to communicate with you about news, events & opportunities relevant to Edinburgh Imaging.Our communications will be in the form of e-newsletters sent four times a year, plus occasional additional email updates.We have you registered for our newsletter, because you work within a business that has a legitimate interest in medical imaging activities in Edinburgh.We will hold your personal data until you choose to unsubscribe. You may unsubscribe at any time by contacting us to request this, or by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ link on any communication you receive.This privacy statement is continued on the University website at: Continued privacy statementIf you have any questions, please contact us: Edinburgh Imaging Enquiries: studies / collaborations / facilities Contact details Email: