29 Oct 19. PiW Annual meeting

Full-day 'PET-is-wonderful' meeting, with several talks by excellent PET scientists.
It is a MUST for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging enthusiasts, and will cover exciting PET biomedical research ongoing in the UK and the World!

This is a truly translational meeting covering preclinical and clinical PET imaging applications. 


Keynote Speakers

Professor David Mankoff, Director PET Center, University of Pennsylvania, USA

  • “Imaging cancer metabolism in patients: FDG PET and beyond"


Professor Gitte Knudsen, Director NeuroPharm, Copenhagen University, Denmark

  • “PET neuroimaging of the serotonin system: from rat to pig to Man"


Time & date

29th October, 2019


Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK


Call for abstracts: opens 20th May, 2019


Preliminary Agenda and Registration Page - Sept 2019. 


PET is Wonderful Programme (556.52 KB / PDF)