Location & transport options
Location & phone number
Transport options
By bus
By car
- View the NHS Lothian car park map
- View the NHS Lothian car park charges
- Watch our video about where to find the EIF QMRI
On site, where do I go?
What can I expect when I undergo my imaging examination?
- Watch our video explaining what will happen at your MR scan at the EIF QMRI
- Watch our video explaining what will happen at your PET-MR scan at the EIF QMRI
- Watch our video explaining what will happen at your CT scan at the EIF QMRI
- Watch our video explaining what will happen at your PET-CT scan at the EIF QMRI
- Watch our video explaining what will happen at your retinal imaging exam at the EIF QMRI
Relevant links
- Tell me more about the EIF QMRI
- Watch our video about where to find the EIF QMRI
- Watch our video explaining what will happen at your MR scan at the EIF QMRI
- Watch our video explaining what will happen at your PET-MR scan at the EIF QMRI
- Watch our video explaining what will happen at your CT scan at the EIF QMRI
- Watch our video explaining what will happen at your PET-CT scan at the EIF QMRI
- Watch our video explaining what will happen at your retinal imaging exam at the EIF QMRI
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