The Edinburgh Imaging downloadable functional imaging software tools. Functional MR (fMRI): adaptive thresholding software toolsMATLAB scriptsAuthors: Dr Cyril Pernet, Chris Filo Gorgolewski Electro-encephalography (EEG) statistical analysis software tool LIMO EEG toolbox: for statistical analysis of EEG data across the whole dataspace (EEGLAB compatible)Authors: Nicolas Chauveau, Dr Cyril Pernet, Guillaume Rousselet Robust correlation software tools The Robust Correlation Toolbox is a free collection of MATLAB functions allowing:Visualization of data in univariate & bivariate spaceChecking assumptions of normality & homoscedasticityComputation of Pearson's & Spearman's coefficients, percentage bend & skipped correlations with bootstrapped confidence intervalsAuthor: Dr Cyril PernetRelevant linksPlease link to the short url for the functional imaging This article was published on 2024-08-22