The Edinburgh Imaging downloadable white matter lesions (WML) rating & software tools. HTML White matter lesion (WML) rating tools Document Powerpoint of 20 MR scans with ratings (9.16 MB / PPTX) Document White Matter Lesion Rating Scales Recording Sheet (4.39 KB / PDF) Document Longstreth Rating Scale (452.7 KB / PPTX) Document Fazekas Scales (239.4 KB / PPTX) Document Wahlund Rating Scale (293.87 KB / PPTX) Document Prins Rating Scale (69.85 KB / PPTX) Segmentation of brain tissues & lesions software toolA multispectral method for segmentation of brain tissues & lesions, developed for the BRIC1936 studyAuthors: Dr Maria Valdés-Hernández, Michael Jackson & Dr Dominic Job Tissue irregularity map software tool Authors: Dr Maria Valdés-Hernández, Taku Komura & Febrian M. Rachmadi Reference segmentations software toolCollection Derived data from ADNIAuthors: Leonora Fatimah Agan, Dr Maria Valdés-Hernández, Dr Cyril Pernet, Stuart Reid Digital human brain atlases software toolCollection in Edinburgh DatashareAuthors: Michael R. Jackson, Dr Maria Valdés-Hernández Brain imaging of normal subjects (BRAINS) software toolAge-specific MR atlases from young adults to the very elderly (v1.0)Authors: Dr DA Dickie, Dr D Job, Dr M Valdés-Hernández, Prof JM Wardlaw Inferior Frontal Sulcal Hyperintensity (IFSH) Scale: user guide & related templateContributors: Hwee Fang Lim, Jun-Fang Zhang, Joanna Wardlaw White matter hyperintensities evolution patterns 1 year post-lacunar stroke & their association with post-stroke cognition, 2009-2013 [dataset] Collection in Edinburgh DatashareAuthors: Valdés Hernández, Maria; Grimsley-Moore, Tara; Sakka, Eleni; Thrippleton, Michael J.; Chappell, Francesca M.; Armitage, Paul A.; Makin, Stephen; Wardlaw, Joanna M. Useful linksHARmoNising Brain Imaging MEthodS for VaScular Contributions to Neurodegeneration (HARNESS)White matter hyperintensity (WMH) rating scalesWhite matter hyperintensity (WMH) software tool catalogueWhite matter hyperintensity (WMH) sample casesMeta-analyses on strategic lesion locations for Vascular Cognitive Impairment (VCI) using lesion-symptom Mapping (META VCI MAP) Please link to the short url for the white matter lesions (WML) This article was published on 2024-08-22
HTML White matter lesion (WML) rating tools Document Powerpoint of 20 MR scans with ratings (9.16 MB / PPTX) Document White Matter Lesion Rating Scales Recording Sheet (4.39 KB / PDF) Document Longstreth Rating Scale (452.7 KB / PPTX) Document Fazekas Scales (239.4 KB / PPTX) Document Wahlund Rating Scale (293.87 KB / PPTX) Document Prins Rating Scale (69.85 KB / PPTX)