Test-retest fMRI Dataset

A test-retest fMRI dataset for motor, language & spatial attention functions.

Figure. Pattern of activation observed in a group of healthy participants for verb > random.
Figure. Pattern of activation observed in a group of healthy participants for verb > random.

A test-retest dataset was acquired to validate fMRI tasks used in pre-surgical planning.

In particular, five task-related fMRI time series (finger, foot & lip movement, overt verb generation, covert verb generation, overt word repetition, & landmark tasks) were used to investigate which protocols gave reliable single-subject results.

Ten healthy participants in their fifties were scanned twice using an identical protocol 2-3 days apart. In addition to the fMRI sessions, high-angular resolution diffusion tensor MRI (DTI), & high-resolution 3D T1-weighted volume scans were acquired. Scanner type: GE Signa HDxt 1.5T.

OpenFMRI accession no. ds000114.


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