Current projects

Edinburgh Imaging's current dementia projects.

Current projects
Title Description


Amyloid imaging to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

  • AMYPAD aims to determine the value of ß-amyloid imaging as a diagnostic & therapeutic marker for Alzheimer’s disease.

Cognitive Health in Ageing Register: Investigational, Observational & Trial Studies in Dementia Research: Prospective Readiness Cohort Study

  • Sub study to assess optimal measurement of cognition in amyloid positive patients, without dementia over 3.5 years.


Circadian Brain Temperature Study (Diurnal brain temperature mapping by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) in healthy volunteers)

  • Single-site study to determine how brain temperature varies by time of day in healthy adult men & women.  Led by the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, in collaboration with Edinburgh Imaging & the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences.  Co-sponsored by University of Edinburgh & NHS Lothian. 

European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia

  • Pan-European study led by University of Edinburgh to build a readiness & disease modelling cohort to feed & inform the design of a standing, Phase 2, proof-of-concept, adaptive clinical trial for the secondary prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia.


HARmoNising Brain Imaging MEthodS for VaScular Contributions to Neurodegeneration

  • The objective of HARNESS is to disseminate &, where appropriate, standardise neuroimaging protocols for measuring the contributions of vascular disease to dementia & neurodegeneration.

LBC 1936

Lothian Birth Cohort 1936

  • The Lothian Birth Cohorts of 1921 & 1936 are follow-up studies of the Scottish Mental Surveys of 1932 & 1947.

Neuro-Ret Biomarkers

  • An international study led from Edinburgh & funded by ADDF
  • Seeking to delivering novel neuro-retinal biomarkers for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
PREVENT Dementia
  • A UK wide study led from Edinburgh
  • Seeks to identify the biological & cognitive outcomes associated with neurodegenerative disease in mid-life (40-59) & develop better clinical disease models of NDD in this very early pre-clinical population


Rates, Risks & Routes to Reduce Vascular Dementia

  • Prospective clinical study evaluating the development of dementia among patients with stroke over at least 2 years.


UK Dementia Research Institute

  • The UK DRI breaks new ground by bringing together world-leading expertise in biomedical, care & translational dementia research in a national institute.