Edinburgh Imaging Facility WGH

As of 2019, the Edinburgh Imaging Facility WGH ceased to operate. This facility was located in north Edinburgh on the Western General Hospital (WGH) campus, connected to the old Division of Clinical Neurosciences (DCN) building.

Edinburgh Imaging Facility WGH,

The Edinburgh Imaging Facility WGH delivered clinical & academic research imaging in humans.

The Facility was established in 1998 & has benefitted from close proximity to the old Division of Clinical Neurosciences (DCN) as well as the academic stroke, neurosurgical & neurological groups.

A team of multidisciplinary imaging scientists advised on all aspects of the implementation & design of imaging protocols for patients & study participants.



Our history means the main focus of our research has been of the brain & nervous system, including:

A major goal was to reduce the burden of common neurological disorders.

We provided very high quality MR scans, ranging from single simple scans, through to coordinated, multi-centre, global clinical trials.


Prof Joanna Wardlaw explains to Princess Anne the features of our 3.0T MR unit at the Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE official opening on 14th February 2017.
Prof Joanna Wardlaw explains to Princess Anne the features of our 3.0T MR unit at the Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE official opening on 14th February 2017.
  • 1998 - In January, the Brain Research Imaging Centre (BRIC) was founded & located in Edinburgh's Western General Hospital
  • 2006 - The Neuroimaging Sciences project administration mechanisms merged with the Clinical Research Facility
  • 2016 - BRIC became part of Edinburgh Imaging & is now referred to as the Edinburgh Imaging Facility WGH
  • 2017  - In February, a second Brain Research Imaging Facility was officially opened developed at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Little France site (Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE)
  • 2019 – The original BRIC facility at the WGH ceased to operate



EI facility location
MR 1.5T GE Healthcare Signa HDxt WGH
Fundus camera   Canon CR-DGi WGH



We are dependent on donations to help push forward the frontiers of science.

We are extremely grateful to the following organisations for major funding support: