The Edinburgh Imaging downloadable stroke rating tools. HTML Acute ischaemic stroke rating tools Document Acute Stroke Lesions Profroma (37.39 KB / PDF) Document CT and MR reading form (1.04 MB / PDF) Document CT perfusion and angiography form (1.16 MB / PDF) Document MRI Perfusion and Angiography Studies reading form (808.18 KB / PDF) White matter hyperintensities evolution patterns 1 year post-lacunar stroke & their association with post-stroke cognition, 2009-2013 [dataset] Collection in Edinburgh DatashareAuthors: Valdés Hernández, Maria; Grimsley-Moore, Tara; Sakka, Eleni; Thrippleton, Michael J.; Chappell, Francesca M.; Armitage, Paul A.; Makin, Stephen; Wardlaw, Joanna M. Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis on incidence & risk of stroke in individuals with long-term exposure to air pollutants, [dataset]Collection in Edinburgh DatashareAuthors: Morrison, Ruairidh; Valdés Hernández, Maria Useful linksHARmoNising Brain Imaging MEthodS for VaScular Contributions to Neurodegeneration (HARNESS)Ischaemic stroke - acute, case report forms Please link to the short url for the stroke webpage: This article was published on 2024-08-22
HTML Acute ischaemic stroke rating tools Document Acute Stroke Lesions Profroma (37.39 KB / PDF) Document CT and MR reading form (1.04 MB / PDF) Document CT perfusion and angiography form (1.16 MB / PDF) Document MRI Perfusion and Angiography Studies reading form (808.18 KB / PDF)